Instrument Fund Proposal Instructions
To create/access your account:
- Click on the New Proposal link to begin. Use this link to create a new, blank proposal ONLY.
- You will be taken to a page with the header “Please sign in.” If you have used the Foundation’s online application before, enter your credentials here. If you are a new applicant, click on the “New Applicant?” link below the E-mail box, fill in your e-mail address, select a password, and then click on “Continue”. Your account has now been created.
- You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your account creation. The e-mail will contain your chosen password and a link to your My Account page; please save the confirmation e-mail and bookmark the URL as you must use it to access your in-progress proposal. You WILL NOT be able to access your proposal by clicking on the New Proposal link in the first step above. Clicking the New Proposal link again will create a new blank proposal instead of bringing you to your in-progress proposal.
The online application includes the following sections:
Eligibility Quiz
- To be eligible for consideration for a grant through the Klarman Family Foundation’s Instrument Fund, all applicants must meet criteria outlined on the Foundation’s web site. This quiz confirms whether you should proceed with submitting an application.
Applicant Overview
- General Information about your Organization: Please provide information about your organization here. If you do not have a U.S. EIN number (i.e., are using a fiscal sponsor), please see the instructions on the Attachments section for submitting fiscal sponsor information.
- Organization’s Chief Professional: This is the person in your organization who has oversight of the organization, is authorized to sign documents and will receive all formal correspondence.
- Proposal Contact Person: Please leave this blank if your organization’s chief professional is also the primary contact for this proposal.
Budget Overview
- Budget Information: Please provide budget information for your most recently completed and current fiscal years here (NOTE: You will also be asked to submit budgets and audited financial statements in the attachments section).
Music Program Overview
- About Your Program: Here we are asking for information about your music program and the youth you serve.
- Additional Information for Schools: If you are a school, please also complete the additional set of questions designated for schools.
- Additional Information for Community-based organizations: If you are a community-based organization, please also complete the additional set of questions designated for community-based organizations.
- About your Instruments: Here we are asking about how you manage and maintain your instrument inventory. We also require a summary of your program’s current instrument inventory in the Attachments section.
Your Request:
- About Your Request: Here we are asking questions about your specific request and the needs it will address. We also require a budget detailing your funding request for instruments, accessories, and repairs in the Attachments section.
- Please note: Given the range of costs for instruments and repair, we look forward to reviewing all reasonable requests that are aligned with the goals of the Fund. The grants are intended to enhance, not replace, an organization’s budget for instruments.
Please upload the following documents as attachments to your application, using the specified file naming conventions in the parentheses, replacing 20YY with the current year.
- List of current Board of Directors with professional affiliations. (YourOrgName.20YY.BOD)
- Most recent Independent Audit: It is best practice to have an independent audit completed within six months of the close of the fiscal year. If you do not have a recent audit, please instead attach a document explaining why. (YourOrgName.20YY.Audit)
- Fiscal Sponsor Agreement: This is required if you indicated that your organization works with a U.S. based fiscal sponsor. Please upload the fiscal sponsor agreement or letter, which should include the EIN # and contact information, including mailing address, website, and name of Chief Professional Officer/Contact Person with title, phone number, and email address. (YourOrgName.20YY.FiscalSponsorAgrmt)
- Organizational Budgets, with revenue and expenses, for the following fiscal years:
- Most recently completed fiscal year: please include actual expenses compared to your board-approved budget. (YourOrgName.20YY.OrgBudgetPriorYr)
- Year-to-date budget for current fiscal year: please include actual expenses to date compared to your board-approved budget. (YourOrgName.20YY.OrgBudgetYTD)
- Instrument Request Budget: Please describe your current request (for purchases, rentals, or repairs) by completing a budget in Excel or Word using the Instrument Request Budget Template. For purchases, please include the cost of warranties as available. Please feel free to add lines as necessary. (YourOrgName.20YY.InstrumentRequestBudget)
- Current Instrument Inventory: Please use the Current Instrument Inventory Template to create a table listing your program’s current instrument inventory. Please feel free to add lines as necessary. (YourOrgName.20YY.CurrentInstrumentInventory)