Expanding access to vital services and enrichment opportunities
The Klarman Family Foundation works to expand access to the critical services and enrichment opportunities that help make Massachusetts a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant place for all its residents.
The Foundation has historically supported a broad range of organizations that address the health and well-being of individuals and families. Our grants cluster around longstanding philanthropic interests, including bolstering a safety net, ensuring access to high-quality health care including children’s mental health services and supporting vibrant communities with a particular focus on music education pathways for youth. As the Foundation evolves, we develop additional areas for more focused investments, such as the new Community Capital Fund.
We trust in our partnerships with funders and community organizations to address social challenges and create thriving communities. We partner with the Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation on the TEAM UP for Children initiative, to promote positive child health and well-being through the delivery of evidence-based integrated behavioral health care in pediatric primary care clinics. We support the development of permanent affordable housing for low-income families as an investor in Home Funders. Through a partnership with the Barr Foundation we supported the Barr-Klarman Massachusetts Arts Initiative, to strengthen a cohort of arts organizations across the Commonwealth, and supported the City of Boston’s efforts to develop a long-term cultural plan for all of its residents. An analysis of barriers to music education led us to establish the Music Education and Teaching Artist (META) fellowship program in partnership with the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
Most recently, the Foundation launched the Community Capital Fund to support the development, improvement, or ownership of physical assets (buildings and open space.) This new open funding initiative aims to counter historic disparities in access to funding and prioritizes organizations operating within communities of color in Massachusetts.
With the exception of the Community Capital Fund and the Instrument Fund, our grant making in Massachusetts is by invitation only.